Rosie Catherwood

Muscari armeniacum

I love it when these grape hyacinths pop up in early spring. Very reliable and very pretty.

Houttuynia cordata 'Chamaeleon'

Very pretty red and green foliage with small white flowers. it lives in the margin of the pond and struggles to flower amongst the irses, grasses and dinosaur grass.

Hibiscus syriacus 'Lavender Chiffon'

Rather a pretty Hibiscus that seems to survive the winters without fleece in its pot. A slow grower but worth the wait.

Hesperis matronalis

I love the tall delicate flowers appearing between the roses. It did well for three years but didn't show in 2012. The white one showed up in 2013 but only briefly in early summer.


Stunning when it appears and flowers daily for its short season.

Helenium 'Moerheim Beauty'

Really reliable, lovely autumn addition to the border in profusion. Dead head the first ones to increase it and then leave the heads for the winter and the birds. Also needs dividing every two or three years to keep it vigorous.

Helenium 'Helena red shades'

Helenium are great for late summer colours. This one is good but not as good as 'Moorheim Beauty'.

Gillenia trifoliata

Very pretty, delicate shrubby plant and under the major acer by the pond. It has lovely light, red edged foliage and very pretty white flowers in Summer.

Geum 'Totally tangerine'

These geums (4) seem to flower more prolifically and for longer than most. They are tall too and respond well to dead heading. Inspired by the geums at Chelsea Flower Show in 2012. Indeed they started flowering in April this year.

Geranium 'Brookside'

In 2012 I re-created the North facing front garden, got rid of a very old privet hedge, dug a completely new bed beside my new low wall and railings and have planted things that I hope will manage with light but very little direct sunlight. This Geranium is one of them and I planted two. They have been fabulous and floriferous in 2013 so I am very pleased. Delicate, pretty flowers and fine, heavily serated foliage.